A Minireview on Medicinal Benefits of Melaleuca viminalis and Tabebuia rosea

Chaudhary, Aditi and Pappuswamy, Manikantan and Meyyazhagan, Arun and Chakma, Amie (2023) A Minireview on Medicinal Benefits of Melaleuca viminalis and Tabebuia rosea. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 44 (12). pp. 74-80. ISSN 0256-971X

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From plants, novel chemotherapy medicines can be derived. Ancient medicinal herbs were used to heal illness, and prevent epidemics. Tropical and subtropical Central and South American tree Tabebuia rosea is grown globally. For centuries, the tree's anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, immune-boosting, and antioxidant qualities have treated numerous maladies. Little, bushy Callistemon (Melaleuca viminalis) has lanceolate leaves and hairy blooms. It features crimson "bottlebrush" inflorescences, thicker, leatherier leaves, and darker, fissured bark. This Callistemon species sheds seeds annually, unlike others. Spring and summer bottlebrushes develop multi-flower spikes. Flower pollen grows on a fine, multi-coloured thread. Filaments and pollen can tint flower spikes golden, although yellow is more typical. Each flower produces a woody fruit with many small seeds that lasts for years. Callistemon leaves are antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-platelet aggregation. Hence, this article briefly addresses the two medicinal plants (Melaleuca viminalis and Tabebuia rosea) in Bengaluru's Agara lake.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Asian STM > Biological Science
Depositing User: Managing Editor
Date Deposited: 18 Oct 2023 07:53
Last Modified: 18 Oct 2023 07:53
URI: http://journal.send2sub.com/id/eprint/2363

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