A Critical Analysis of Quadratic Boost Based High-Gain Converters for Electric Vehicle Applications: A Review

Kumar, Madhav and Panda, Kaibalya Prasad and Naayagi, Ramasamy T. and Thakur, Ritula and Panda, Gayadhar (2024) A Critical Analysis of Quadratic Boost Based High-Gain Converters for Electric Vehicle Applications: A Review. Sensors, 24 (7). p. 2186. ISSN 1424-8220

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Conventional DC-DC boost converters have played a vital role in electric vehicle (EVs) powertrains by enabling the necessary voltage to increase to meet the needs of electric motors. However, recent developments in high-gain converters have introduced new possibilities with enhanced voltage amplification capabilities and efficiency. This study discusses and evaluates the state-of-the-art high-gain DC-DC converters for EV applications based on the Quadratic Boost Converter (QBC). Research into innovative topologies has increased in response to the increasing demand for efficient and high-performance power electronic converters in the rapidly expanding EV industry. Due to its ability to provide more significant voltage gains than conventional boost converters, the QBC has become a viable option for meeting the unique requirements of EV power systems. This survey focuses on the efficiency, power density, and overall performance parameters of QBC-based high-gain converters. The literature review provides a foundation for comprehending power electronics converters’ trends, challenges, and opportunities. The acquired knowledge can enhance the design and optimization of high-gain converters based on the QBC, thereby fostering more sustainable and efficient power systems for the expanding electric mobility industry. In the future, the report suggests that investigating new high-gain converter design methodologies will reduce component stress and enhance the intact system efficiency.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Asian STM > Multidisciplinary
Depositing User: Managing Editor
Date Deposited: 29 Mar 2024 05:30
Last Modified: 29 Mar 2024 05:30
URI: http://journal.send2sub.com/id/eprint/3189

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